What Are the Seven Spirits of God?
God revealed the Seven Spirits of God, which amounts to a specific title for the Holy Spirit and seven specific ministries of the Holy Spirit. In the Old Testament, Isaiah the prophet described, under the inspiration of God, the Seven Spirits of God. The Seven Spirits of God relate to a Shoot Who will spring from the stem of Jesse, the earthly father of King David of Israel. That Branch arising from Jesse will bear fruit (Isaiah 11:1). The Seven Spirits of God will rest upon the Branch and Isaiah named those Seven Spirits of God: (1) The Spirit of Yahweh; (2) the Spirit of Wisdom; (3) The Spirit of Understanding; (4) the Spirit of Counsel; (5) The Spirit of Might; (6) the Spirit of Knowledge; and (7) the Spirit of the Fear of Yahweh (Isaiah 11:2). 1The Hebrew text provides: וְנָחָה עָלָיו, רוּחַ יְהוָה–רוּחַ חָכְמָה וּבִינָה, רוּחַ עֵצָה וּגְבוּרָה, רוּחַ דַּעַת, וְיִרְאַת יְהוָה . The “and” in the text separates the Seven Spirits into related groups. The Spirit of Wisdom and Understanding are joined together by “and” in the Hebrew text. The Spirit of Counsel and Might are joined together by “and” in the Hebrew text. The Spirit of Knowledge and Fear of Yahweh are joined together by “and” in the Hebrew text. Therefore, we see the outline of some Spirits of Yahweh having special relationships. God also revealed that other Spirits are associated with God: (1) Spirit of Judgment–when God washes away the filth of the daughters of Jerusalem (Isaiah 4:4); (2) Spirit of Burning–when God purged the bloodshed of Jerusalem from her midst (Isaiah 4:4); (3) Spirit of Grace–repentance of Israel just before Jesus returns to set His feet upon the Mount of Olives (Zechariah 12:10); (4) Spirit of Supplication–supplication of Israel just before Jesus returns to set His feet upon the Mount of Olives (Zechariah 12:10); (5) Spirit of Wisdom–eyes of the heart of saints may be enlightened (Ephesians 1:17); notice the Spirit of Wisdom resting upon the Branch (Isaiah 11:2), but this Spirit of Wisdom applies to New Testament saints; (6) Spirit of Revelation in the knowledge of Christ–saints would know hope, inheritance, power, might, and Christ raised, seated in heaven and all things subjected to Christ, and Christ made Head over all things and the church (Ephesians 1:18-22); and (7) Spirit of Glory–saints blessed when people revile them for the Name of Christ because the Spirit of Glory rests upon those saints (1 Peter 4:14). Please keep in mind that God identified the Seven Spirits of God in Isaiah 11, meaning that even when two Spirits are joined together with the term “and,” God still identifies them as separate Spirits because of the number “seven.” Therefore, when God identified other Spirits of God, they remained separately numbered Spirits, even if joined with the term “and.” 2As a side note, when Jesus stood in the synagogue in Nazareth, He read Isaiah 61:1-2a. In Isaiah 61, Jesus proclaimed that the Spirit of Yahweh was upon Him to proclaim good news (Luke 4:18). Jesus did not mention the Seven Spirits of God. Therefore, in comparison with Isaiah 11, we see that the Seven Spirits of God were associated with Jesus returning to earth after He was crucified, resurrected and ascended. God associated the Seven Spirits of God with the return of Jesus to slay His enemies and inaugurate the Millennial Reign of Christ. In my mind, the Seven Spirits of God revealed by Isaiah describe the Holy Spirit and seven specific ministries of the Holy Spirit, as will become more apparent as we see all of the references to the Spirits of God.
Writing under the inspiration of God, Isaiah first described the Seven Spirits of God resting upon Jesus the Messiah, Who is the Branch from the seed of Jesse (Isaiah 1:1-2). Isaiah then tied those Seven Spirits of God to the judgment Jesus will bring upon the world when He begins His Millennial Reign upon the earth. The term “Millennial Reign” describes a future thousand-year period of Jesus physically reigning upon the earth. When Jesus returns to earth to inaugurate His Millennial Reign upon earth (Revelation 19:11-20:6), He will not judge by the sight of His eyes nor by the hearing of His ears (Isaiah 11:3). Instead, Jesus will judge the world in righteousness (Isaiah 11:4). His enemies will be judged and perish by the breath of His lips (Isaiah 11:4). Therefore, the Seven Spirits of God focus upon the qualities and ministries of God related to Jesus judging the world in righteousness.
Millennial Reign
God revealed that the animals on earth will be transformed during the Millennium and God associated the Seven Spirits of God with that Millennial Reign (Isaiah 11:6-8). The animals will not hurt or destroy in the Holy Mountain of Yahweh, because the earth will be full of the knowledge of Yahweh, as the waters cover the sea (Isaiah 11:9). The nations will also resort to the “Root of Jesse,” Who will stand as a signal for the peoples; and His resting place will be glorious (Isaiah 11:10).
The Throne in Heaven
The Seven Spirits of God are also before the throne of God, as God addressed the Seven Churches of Asia (Revelation 1:4).
The Seven Churches
In the New Testament Book of Revelation, God took John to heaven and addressed the Seven Churches of Asia with an individual message for each church. Please take notice that God enumerated Who sent greetings of grace and peace to the seven churches: (1) Him Who Is and Who Was and Who Is To Come; and (2) the Seven Spirits Who are before His throne; and (3) Jesus Christ. Therefore, we see a Trinitarian pattern of (1) God the Father described as “Him Who Is and Who Was and Who Is To Come”; and (2) God the Holy Spirit described as “The Seven Spirit Who Are before His throne;” and (3) Jesus Christ described as “Jesus Christ.” Therefore, based upon Isaiah’s description of the Seven Spirits of God, we expect that the message to the seven churches described in Revelation will also include judgment and the Millennial Reign of Christ (Revelation 1:4-5). God made special reference to the church in Sardis: He Who has the Seven Spirits of God and the Seven Stars says this, ‘I know your deeds, that you have a name that you are alive, but you are dead'” (Revelation 3:1). Please recall Isaiah’s description of Jesus Messiah having the Seven Spirits of God rest upon Him (Isaiah 11:2). Jesus warns of coming judgment, as the Seven Spirits of God are associated with judgment. Also, the Son of Man (Jesus) held the seven stars in His hand (Revelation 1:20).
Seven Lamps
As John in heaven looked around, he saw flashes of lightning and sounds and peals of thunder coming from the throne (Revelation 4:5). He also saw seven lamps of fire burning before the throne, which are the Seven Spirits of God (Revelation 4:5). This verse helps us understand that the Seven Spirits of God may be symbolized as seven lamps of fire. 3The expression “lamps of fire” (“λαμπάδες πυρὸς”) only occurs here in the New Testament. See also Zechariah 4:2 and the image of the lampstand. The lamps not only give off light, but they also speak of the burning fire, associated with judgment and purification (see Isaiah 4:4).
Seven Horns and Seven Eyes of the Lamb
God also revealed to John in heaven a “Lamb, standing as if slain, having seven horns and seven eyes, which are the Seven Spirits of God, sent out into all the earth” (Revelation 5:6; see also 1 Corinthians 2:10-13). 4God used the term “having” (“ἔχων”–present active participle, nominative masculine singular). Therefore, we know that Jesus had the Seven Spirits of God. Here, the horns speak of the power of God and the eyes speak of the Seven Spirits of God. Please keep in mind Isaiah 11, where the Seven Spirits of God speak of judgment and the Millennial Reign of Christ. Now, in Revelation 5:6 we learn that the Seven Spirits of God had been sent out into all the earth. 5The Seven Spirits of God had been sent out (“ἀπεσταλμένοι”–perfect middle/passive participle, nominative masculine plural) into all the earth. Notice that we see Jesus “having” the Seven Spirits of God, after they had been sent out (perfect participle) into all the earth. This speaks of the activity here of the Seven Spirits of God and their relationship to Jesus “having” (present participle) them. Jesus was not restraining the Seven Spirits of God, but having them, just as Isaiah described the Seven Spirits of God resting upon Jesus Messiah (Isaiah 11:2).
God identified the Seven Spirits of God with the Holy Spirit and seven specific ministries of the Holy Spirit. The Seven Spirits of God rested upon Jesus, the Branch from the seed of Jesse, Therefore, the Seven Spirits of God relate to the Holy Spirit and specific times and events of the Holy Spirit’s activities. As we have seen above, the Holy Spirit has more than seven ministries described as particular Spirits, but God disclosed seven specific ministries of the Holy Spirit by the term Seven Spirits of God.
↑1 | The Hebrew text provides: וְנָחָה עָלָיו, רוּחַ יְהוָה–רוּחַ חָכְמָה וּבִינָה, רוּחַ עֵצָה וּגְבוּרָה, רוּחַ דַּעַת, וְיִרְאַת יְהוָה . The “and” in the text separates the Seven Spirits into related groups. The Spirit of Wisdom and Understanding are joined together by “and” in the Hebrew text. The Spirit of Counsel and Might are joined together by “and” in the Hebrew text. The Spirit of Knowledge and Fear of Yahweh are joined together by “and” in the Hebrew text. Therefore, we see the outline of some Spirits of Yahweh having special relationships. |
↑2 | As a side note, when Jesus stood in the synagogue in Nazareth, He read Isaiah 61:1-2a. In Isaiah 61, Jesus proclaimed that the Spirit of Yahweh was upon Him to proclaim good news (Luke 4:18). Jesus did not mention the Seven Spirits of God. Therefore, in comparison with Isaiah 11, we see that the Seven Spirits of God were associated with Jesus returning to earth after He was crucified, resurrected and ascended. God associated the Seven Spirits of God with the return of Jesus to slay His enemies and inaugurate the Millennial Reign of Christ. |
↑3 | The expression “lamps of fire” (“λαμπάδες πυρὸς”) only occurs here in the New Testament. See also Zechariah 4:2 and the image of the lampstand. |
↑4 | God used the term “having” (“ἔχων”–present active participle, nominative masculine singular). |
↑5 | The Seven Spirits of God had been sent out (“ἀπεσταλμένοι”–perfect middle/passive participle, nominative masculine plural) into all the earth. Notice that we see Jesus “having” the Seven Spirits of God, after they had been sent out (perfect participle) into all the earth. This speaks of the activity here of the Seven Spirits of God and their relationship to Jesus “having” (present participle) them. Jesus was not restraining the Seven Spirits of God, but having them, just as Isaiah described the Seven Spirits of God resting upon Jesus Messiah (Isaiah 11:2). |